Bulsho Production

Community Building

Bulsho Production

Every year hundreds of students graduate and many wear lei flowers to symbolize that they have graduated during the graduation events. The lei flowers caught my eye as it looked simple. This is where Bulsho production graduation flowers and gifts began. I found out that they were being imported so I tried to replicate their designs locally. I mastered the technique and started distributing small quantities to a store downtown and it was a hit, they would be sold out instantly. I would make new designs with combinations of different colors that I even got a call from Berbera for an order with no online presence but just by word of mouth. Imported lei flowers are not available through the year as they are only in market during the graduation season but mine is available on order. My product would not only be limited to graduations but also engagements and event national holidays such as 18 May. As I am the only person who produces this locally, I would like to train my own team to increase production and fulfill more orders easily. I’m looking to raise a sum of $2000 to purchase a machine to seal the plastic cover on the lei flowers to make it more durable as now I am currently stapling them.

Activity Manger

, Maroodi Jeex,

Deadline about 4 years ago

funding goal
matching fund

Every year hundreds of students graduate and many wear lei flowers to symbolize that they have graduated during the graduation events. The lei flowers caught my eye as it looked simple. This is where Bulsho production graduation flowers and gifts began. I found out that they were being imported so I tried to replicate their designs locally. I mastered the technique and started distributing small quantities to a store downtown and it was a hit, they would be sold out instantly. I would make new designs with combinations of different colors that I even got a call from Berbera for an order with no online presence but just by word of mouth. Imported lei flowers are not available through the year as they are only in market during the graduation season but mine is available on order. My product would not only be limited to graduations but also engagements and event national holidays such as 18 May. As I am the only person who produces this locally, I would like to train my own team to increase production and fulfill more orders easily. I’m looking to raise a sum of $2000 to purchase a machine to seal the plastic cover on the lei flowers to make it more durable as now I am currently stapling them.

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