Ayan Beauty Salon

Community Building

Ayan Beauty Salon

There is a need for a full-service beauty salon dedicated to consistently providing high customer satisfaction by rendering excellent service, quality products, and furnishing an enjoyable atmosphere at an acceptable price. My business has been operating for the last 5 months where I offer beautification services such as hair treatments, nail treatments, facial and skincare treatments and henna. I also provide lessons to young aspiring makeup artists where I teach them the skill so they could potentially work from their homes or even start up their own beauty salons. Some of the graduates from my beauty college would find jobs placements and it would fill me with joy as I am not only doing something I love but also giving back to the community. I am raising $2000 to increase the number of clients I could offer my services to and purchase more salon equipment so I could increase my class intake students.

Activity Manger

, Maroodi Jeex,

Deadline about 4 years ago

funding goal
matching fund

There is a need for a full-service beauty salon dedicated to consistently providing high customer satisfaction by rendering excellent service, quality products, and furnishing an enjoyable atmosphere at an acceptable price. My business has been operating for the last 5 months where I offer beautification services such as hair treatments, nail treatments, facial and skincare treatments and henna. I also provide lessons to young aspiring makeup artists where I teach them the skill so they could potentially work from their homes or even start up their own beauty salons. Some of the graduates from my beauty college would find jobs placements and it would fill me with joy as I am not only doing something I love but also giving back to the community. I am raising $2000 to increase the number of clients I could offer my services to and purchase more salon equipment so I could increase my class intake students.

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