Habane slipper

Community Building

Habane slipper

Habane slipper industry is the industry that focuses on the manufacture of slippers in the country and we plan to expand our business to Somalia-Djibuti and many other places. our business objective is to provide high quality slippers in a variety of designs. and create jobs for Somaliland youth.So that, dear friends and families a small amount of money you contribute to us $1 will support us to get other $2000 of Grant investment which will make us possible to improve this important business and also to create job opportunities for our youth.

Activity Manger

, Maroodi Jeex,

Deadline over 1 year ago

funding goal
matching fund

Habane slipper industry is the industry that focuses on the manufacture of slippers in the country and we plan to expand our business to Somalia-Djibuti and many other places. our business objective is to provide high quality slippers in a variety of designs. and create jobs for Somaliland youth.So that, dear friends and families a small amount of money you contribute to us $1 will support us to get other $2000 of Grant investment which will make us possible to improve this important business and also to create job opportunities for our youth.

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