Habonita Honey

Community Building

Habonita Honey

Habonita Honey is modern company provide pure and local honey based on Borama. The main challenge in market is low available, expensive, poor packaging and unreliable. Last two year there is many bee special available in Borama but Habonita Honey bees as this special is a simple to manage and high available and cheaper than the others . The enzymes such as invertase, diastase,glucose,and oxidase, present in these bees when getting in contact with nectar, can make the honey they produce the nutritious and can also have many healthy benefit. Thus, to improve this modern start up and produce high yield ,we are raising 500$ through Tarmiye Grow funding platform.so that dear friends and Families a small amount of money you contribute to us $1 will support us to get $2000 of grand investment which will make us possible to improve this important business and also to create job opportunities for our youth.

Activity Manger

, Awdal,

Deadline over 1 year ago

funding goal
matching fund

Habonita Honey is modern company provide pure and local honey based on Borama. The main challenge in market is low available, expensive, poor packaging and unreliable. Last two year there is many bee special available in Borama but Habonita Honey bees as this special is a simple to manage and high available and cheaper than the others . The enzymes such as invertase, diastase,glucose,and oxidase, present in these bees when getting in contact with nectar, can make the honey they produce the nutritious and can also have many healthy benefit. Thus, to improve this modern start up and produce high yield ,we are raising 500$ through Tarmiye Grow funding platform.so that dear friends and Families a small amount of money you contribute to us $1 will support us to get $2000 of grand investment which will make us possible to improve this important business and also to create job opportunities for our youth.

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