Haybe Peanut Butter

Community Building

Haybe Peanut Butter

Haybe Peanut Butter is a nutritious and body fuelling creamy peanut butter packaging company. Processed from premium, locally sourced peanuts. Peanut Butter is relatively new to the Somali market in general. However, it is getting popular by the day. More and more people are including peanut butter in their diet. There are several challenges in the market in terms of product availability, price and quality. Most peanut butter consumed in Somaliland are exported from oversees. That means the quantity is less than the demand, prices are going to be higher on the end-user, and finally the quality of the product is not reliable. Haybe Peanut Butter provides guaranteed product with high quality and variety. Affordable price because is produced in the country. And demand sufficient in terms of quantity. Thus, to improve this manufacturing facility, we are raising $500 through Tarmiye Crowdfunding platform. So that, dear friends and families a small amount of money you contribute to us $1 will support us to get other $2000 of Grant investment which will make us possible to improve this important business and also to create job opportunities for our youth.

Activity Manger

, Maroodi Jeex,

Deadline over 1 year ago

funding goal
matching fund

Haybe Peanut Butter is a nutritious and body fuelling creamy peanut butter packaging company. Processed from premium, locally sourced peanuts. Peanut Butter is relatively new to the Somali market in general. However, it is getting popular by the day. More and more people are including peanut butter in their diet. There are several challenges in the market in terms of product availability, price and quality. Most peanut butter consumed in Somaliland are exported from oversees. That means the quantity is less than the demand, prices are going to be higher on the end-user, and finally the quality of the product is not reliable. Haybe Peanut Butter provides guaranteed product with high quality and variety. Affordable price because is produced in the country. And demand sufficient in terms of quantity. Thus, to improve this manufacturing facility, we are raising $500 through Tarmiye Crowdfunding platform. So that, dear friends and families a small amount of money you contribute to us $1 will support us to get other $2000 of Grant investment which will make us possible to improve this important business and also to create job opportunities for our youth.

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